This isn't really an old song, but it still triggers nostalgia from 2001 and 2004.
Hey guys, I just hit 4100 posts! I know, it's not a lot, but it's still a good amount. Thanks to all you fanboys who I bothered to argue with in the first place :P
A bunch of threads have come up based on IGN's top 25 ps3 games list, so here is my list for each system and an overall list:
1. Super Mario Galaxy
2. Resident Evil 4
3. Metroid Prime 3
4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
5. Twilight Princess
6. Mad World
7. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
8. Rock Band 2
9. Punch Out
10. Mario Kart Wii
1. Mass Effect
2. Fallout 3
3. Bioshock
4. Halo 3
5. Gears of War
6. Street Fighter IV
7. The Orange Box
8. Dragon Age: Origins
9. Grand Theft Auto IV
10. Forza 3
1. LittleBigPlanet
2. Metal Gear Solid 4
3. Demon's Souls
4. Bioshock
5. Fallout 3
6. Uncharted 2
7. Killzone 2
8. Street Fighter IV
9. Grand Theft Auto IV
10, Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time
1. Mass Effect
2. Bioshock
3. Fallout 3
4. Dragon Age: Origins
5. Team Fortress 2
6. Half Life 2: Episode 2
7. Portal
8. Oblivion
9. Street Fighter IV
10. Crysis
1. LittleBigPlanet
2. Metal Gear Solid 4
3. Super Mario Galaxy
4. Bioshock
5. Demon's Souls
6. Uncharted 2
7. Mass Effect
8. Fallout 3
9. Killzone 2
10. Halo 3
Now Playing:
I think I have too many RPG's that I'm playing at the moment :P. Gah, nevermind. There's no such thing as "too many RPGs" LOL.
Dragon Age: Origins - PC
Just reinstalled this last night and I had to start over since I lost all my files on my PC (I think I posted it in a blog before). I just beat the origins level (I'm a human warrior) and I'm about to become a Grey Warden any time soon.
Demon's Souls - PS3
I took a break from this for a while and now I'm back into it and I love it even more now. I gained a lot of progress in the last week and I've just been having a blast playing this. The co-op is amazing!
Fallout 3 - PS3
Don't ask why I got the PS3 version. It wasn't my choice since it was a birthday gift from my parents last year and I'm not going to return a birthday gift :P. Anyway, I've almost done everything possible in this game. I just have to get to level 20 and collect 10 more bobbleheads. I started a new game and I attempt to do EVERYTHING possible in that save. Shouldn't take more than 100 hours :P Wish me luck :)
Mass Effect - PC
What can I say that I haven't said yet? I love this game. It's amazing and it was a steal for $5. I'm not too far into it, but I'm enjoying every moment of the game (minus the elevator sequences). It's got its share of issues, but most can be overlooked. I'll look to beat this by the end of February (yes, I said February. I've got loads of s*** to do in that time too. SATs come next week, semester finals, etc.)
Well, that's all this time. Catch you later ;)